8.11 readlink: Reading Symbolic Links

The readlink system call retrieves the target of a symbolic link. It takes three arguments: the path to the symbolic link, a buffer to receive the target of the link, and the length of that buffer. Unusually, readlink does not NUL-terminate the target path that it fills into the buffer. It does, however, return the number of characters in the target path, so NUL-terminating the string is simple.

If the first argument to readlink points to a file that isn't a symbolic link, readlink sets errno to EINVAL and returns -1.

The small program in Listing 8.9 prints the target of the symbolic link specified on its command line.

Listing 8.9 (print-symlink.c) Print the Target of a Symbolic Link
#include <errno.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) 
  char target_path[256]; 
  char* link_path = argv[1]; 
  /* Attempt to read the target of the symbolic link. */ 
  int len = readlink (link_path, target_path, sizeof (target_path)); 
  if (len == -1) {
    /* The call failed. */ 
    if (errno == EINVAL) 
      /* It's not a symbolic link; report that. */ 
      fprintf (stderr, "%s is not a symbolic link\n", link_path); 
      /* Some other problem occurred; print the generic message. */ 
      perror ("readlink"); 
    return 1; 
  else {
    /* NUL-terminate the target path. */ 
    target_path[len] = '\0'; 
    /* Print it. */ 
    printf ("%s\n", target_path); 
    return 0; 

For example, here's how you could make a symbolic link and use print-symlink to read it back:

% ln -s /usr/bin/wc my_link 
% ./print-symlink my_link 