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17.16. Quick Reference

This section provides a reference for the concepts introduced in this chapter. It also explains the role of each header file that a driver needs to include. The lists of fields in the net_device and sk_buff structures, however, are not repeated here.

#include <linux/netdevice.h>

Header that hosts the definitions of struct net_device and struct net_device_stats, and includes a few other headers that are needed by network drivers.

struct net_device *alloc_netdev(int sizeof_priv, char *name, void

(*setup)(struct net_device *);

struct net_device *alloc_etherdev(int sizeof_priv);

void free_netdev(struct net_device *dev);

Functions for allocating and freeing net_device structures.

int register_netdev(struct net_device *dev);

void unregister_netdev(struct net_device *dev);

Registers and unregisters a network device.

void *netdev_priv(struct net_device *dev);

A function that retrieves the pointer to the driver-private area of a network device structure.

struct net_device_stats;

A structure that holds device statistics.

netif_start_queue(struct net_device *dev);

netif_stop_queue(struct net_device *dev);

netif_wake_queue(struct net_device *dev);

Functions that control the passing of packets to the driver for transmission. No packets are transmitted until netif_start_queue has been called. netif_stop_queue suspends transmission, and netif_wake_queue restarts the queue and pokes the network layer to restart transmitting packets.

skb_shinfo(struct sk_buff *skb);

A macro that provides access to the "shared info" portion of a packet buffer.

void netif_rx(struct sk_buff *skb);

Function that can be called (including at interrupt time) to notify the kernel that a packet has been received and encapsulated into a socket buffer.

void netif_rx_schedule(dev);

Function that informs the kernel that packets are available and that polling should be started on the interface; it is used only by NAPI-compliant drivers.

int netif_receive_skb(struct sk_buff *skb);

void netif_rx_complete(struct net_device *dev);

Functions that should be used only by NAPI-compliant drivers. netif_receive_skb is the NAPI equivalent to netif_rx; it feeds a packet into the kernel. When a NAPI-compliant driver has exhausted the supply of received packets, it should reenable interrupts, and call netif_rx_complete to stop polling.

#include <linux/if.h>

Included by netdevice.h, this file declares the interface flags (IFF_ macros) and struct ifmap, which has a major role in the ioctl implementation for network drivers.

void netif_carrier_off(struct net_device *dev);

void netif_carrier_on(struct net_device *dev);

int netif_carrier_ok(struct net_device *dev);

The first two functions may be used to tell the kernel whether a carrier signal is currently present on the given interface. netif_carrier_ok tests the carrier state as reflected in the device structure.

#include <linux/if_ether.h>



struct ethhdr;

Included by netdevice.h, if_ether.h defines all the ETH_ macros used to represent octet lengths (such as the address length) and network protocols (such as IP). It also defines the ethhdr structure.

#include <linux/skbuff.h>

The definition of struct sk_buff and related structures, as well as several inline functions to act on the buffers. This header is included by netdevice.h.

struct sk_buff *alloc_skb(unsigned int len, int priority);

struct sk_buff *dev_alloc_skb(unsigned int len);

void kfree_skb(struct sk_buff *skb);

void dev_kfree_skb(struct sk_buff *skb);

void dev_kfree_skb_irq(struct sk_buff *skb);

void dev_kfree_skb_any(struct sk_buff *skb);

Functions that handle the allocation and freeing of socket buffers. Drivers should normally use the dev_ variants, which are intended for that purpose.

unsigned char *skb_put(struct sk_buff *skb, int len);

unsigned char *_ _skb_put(struct sk_buff *skb, int len);

unsigned char *skb_push(struct sk_buff *skb, int len);

unsigned char *_ _skb_push(struct sk_buff *skb, int len);

Functions that add data to an skb; skb_put puts the data at the end of the skb, while skb_push puts it at the beginning. The regular versions perform checking to ensure that adequate space is available; double-underscore versions leave those tests out.

int skb_headroom(struct sk_buff *skb);

int skb_tailroom(struct sk_buff *skb);

void skb_reserve(struct sk_buff *skb, int len);

Functions that perform management of space within an skb. skb_headroom and skb_tailroom tell how much space is available at the beginning and end, respectively, of an skb. skb_reserve may be used to reserve space at the beginning of an skb, which must be empty.

unsigned char *skb_pull(struct sk_buff *skb, int len);

skb_pull "removes" data from an skb by adjusting the internal pointers.

int skb_is_nonlinear(struct sk_buff *skb);

Function that returns a true value if this skb is separated into multiple fragments for scatter/gather I/O.

int skb_headlen(struct sk_buff *skb);

Returns the length of the first segment of the skb—that part pointed to by skb->data.

void *kmap_skb_frag(skb_frag_t *frag);

void kunmap_skb_frag(void *vaddr);

Functions that provide direct access to fragments within a nonlinear skb.

#include <linux/etherdevice.h>

void ether_setup(struct net_device *dev);

Function that sets most device methods to the general-purpose implementation for Ethernet drivers. It also sets dev->flags and assigns the next available ethx name to dev->name if the first character in the name is a blank space or the NULL character.

unsigned short eth_type_trans(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev);

When an Ethernet interface receives a packet, this function can be called to set skb->pkt_type. The return value is a protocol number that is usually stored in skb->protocol.

#include <linux/sockios.h>


The first of 16 ioctl commands that can be implemented by each driver for its own private use. All the network ioctl commands are defined in sockios.h.

#include <linux/mii.h>

struct mii_if_info;

Declarations and a structure supporting drivers of devices that implement the MII standard.

#include <linux/ethtool.h>

struct ethtool_ops;

Declarations and structures that let devices work with the ethtool utility.

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